Take the bus for free with a valid guest card

Upon presentation of a valid guest card from the Zweckverbandes Bergerlebnis  Berchtesgaden (available at your accommodation provider), holiday guests can use the entire RVO route network free of charge, with a few exceptions. This also applies, for example, to a trip to the Rupertiwinkel, to the Chiemsee region or to Munich Ostbahnhof.

Information guest card:

Excluded are the following services for example:

Service 849 Kehlstein
Service 847 AlmErlebnisBus
Service 848 Oberau Rossfeld

Discounted fares are available for:
Surcharge for foreign route section
Service 840 Connection Marktschellenberg - Salzburg

You can find all current timetables on the website of the DB Region Bayern www.dbregiobus-bayern.de.


RVO Service 846 - Berchtesgaden – Ramsau – Hintersee

Service 846 connects to:

  • the Panorama-Wanderbus in Ramsau
  • the AlmErlebnisBus in Hintersee
  • all other connections in Berchtesgaden and surrounds at Berchtesgaden main station.

Timetable: www.dbregiobus-bayern.de Linie 846

RVO Service 845 - Panorama-Wanderbus

Panorama - Wanderbus Liniennetz

Climaneutral hiking – The Panoramawanderbus connects all starting points for hiking trails in Ramsau and surrounds from mid May to mid October.

Timetable: www.dbregiobus-bayern.de Linie 845

Download the flyer here

Panorama Wanderbus

RVO Service 847 - AlmErlebnisBus


Take the bus to explore the two conservation areas Nationalpark Berchtesgaden & Naturpark Weißbach


Service 847 is the connection for Hintersee via the Klausbachthal to Hirschbichl. This route is also serviced by the Austrian Postbuslinie which continues to Weißbach in the Austrian Saalachtal.  


Timetable: www.dbregiobus-bayern.de Linie 847
Information and Timetables for the Austrian Postbus:



The RufBus “Callbus” – Mobility on call

RufBus - Liniennetz

Call- Hop on – Ride

In addition to the regular public transport options, the RufBus operates in Bischofswiesen, Schönau a. Königssee and Ramsau. With its quick and easy use, the RufBus is a modern and flexible concept that significantly improves personal mobility while also supporting the regions’ values regarding sustainability and environmental protection. The RufBus is operated by the Taxizentrale Berchtesgaden.

1. Please provide:

  • Bus stop for pick up
  • Desired time of departure
  • Bus stop for drop off

2. Hop on:
Hop on the bus at the confirmed time and stop.

3. Ride:
The RufBus is good value and lets you arrive at your destination safely and comfortably.

How much does the RufBus cost per person?
1,50 Euro per section
+ 2,– Euro service fee

Only the shortest distances between the sections are charged!

RufBus operating times:
Monday – Sunday: 7.00am -10.00pm

Make a booking:
Monday – Sunday: 8.00am – 9.00pm

Bookings must be made no later than two hours prior to the desired time of departure.

Phone number:
 + 49 (0) 8652 / 964 822

The RufBus does not operate simultaneously with the existing offering of the local public transport services.

  • Severely Disabled ID cards are recognized
  • Children under the age of 6 accompanied by a guardian ride free of charge
  • Children ages 6-15 ride for half the price of an adult ticket
  • ÖPNV Transport cards are not recognized
  • No fare reduction for BahnCard, student or guest card holders
  • Increased passenger volume can lead to temporary limitations of the service

 - Flyer RufBus Berchtesgaden (PDF)

Hochschwarzeck Bergbahn       

© Hochschwarzeck Bergbahn


  • Comfortably travel by chairlift to Hirscheck at Toter Mann
    In the midst of our mountain climbing village lies the family area of Hochschwarzeck. The cable car takes you to a stunning mountain panorama with a mountain restaurant at an altitude of 1,390 meters. From here, there are many hiking opportunities and walks for the whole family.
  • Base station: Schwarzeck, Schwarzecker Str. 80
  • Ride time: 14 minutes
  • Getting there: By car, 6.0 km from Ramsau Town Hall/Tourist Information to the Schwarzeck base station car park
    RVO bus line 845 to the Schwarzeck stop or Rufbus
  • Operating times, prices, and information:   www.hochschwarzeck.info

Parking in Ramsau

Payment Methods

Parking tickets can be obtained with coins or via the Parkster-App. At the machine, you can also pay with coins (no change), EC card ATM, Google Pay, Apple Pay.

The parking duration can be reduced or extended on short notice using the Parkster app.

Daily tickets and annual parking permits are valid at the following parking areas:

Hiesenbrücke Hirschbichlstraße Wachterl
Hintersee Westufer Neuhausenbrücke Wimbachbrücke
Hintersee Seeklause Pfeiffenmacherbrücke Blaueis

Annual parking permits of Zweckverband Bergerlebnis Berchtesgaden are valid in the following additional parking areas:

Hammerstiel Königssee  
Hinterbrand Salinenplatz  
Kehlstein- Bus departures Schießstätte  


Parking Fees

Parking Period



Up to 4 hours

€ 6,00

More than 4 hours / daily ticket

€ 9,00

Each further day

€ 6,00

Motorhomes up to 4 hours

€ 10,00

Wohnmobile über 4 Stunden / Tageskarte

€ 14,00

Motorhomes multiple-day-pass holders with mountain hut bookings (only available at the Tourist Information Ramsau) per day

€ 14,00

Annual parking permit (Ramsau)

upon request

Annual parking permit (Zweckverband Bergerlebnis Berchtesgaden)

upon request

Discounted rates apply for cars at the Hiesenbrücke parking lot: up to 4 hours €3.00 / day ticket €5.00 / multi-day ticket per day €5.00.

Mobilehomes parking

  • Parking permit for mobile homes from 0.00 – 24.00 Uhr at the parking lot Seeklause (Hinterseer Straße 104; 83486 Ramsau)
  • Parking permit for mobile homes from 06.00 – 20.00 Uhr at the parking lots Wimbachbrücke (Wimbachweg 1), Hiesenbrücke (Im Tal 11), Pfeiffenmacherbrücke (Im Tal 109), Hirschbichlstraße (Hirschbichlstraße 26), Schwarzbachwacht/Wachterl (Alpenstraße 151)
  • No parking for mobile homes from 0.00 – 24.00 Uhr at the parking lots Neuhausenbrücke (Im Tal 39) und Hintersee-Westufer (Am See 28)

Bus car parks

Parking areas for buses are available at the following locations:

• Car park Neuhausenbrücke / Ramsau Center (no parking option near Ramsau Kirche)
• Car park Seeklause / Hintersee

Information for buses (PDF)

Public WC facilities in Ramsau





(P/L) Wimbachbrücke
(WC-building), Wimbachweg 1

all year round

24 hours a day


Rathaus Tourist-Information,
Im Tal 2

all year round
during opening hours of the Info-Centre

8:00am – 10:00pm


Bergkurgarten (WC-building),
5 min walk from
(P/L) Neuhausenbrücke, Im Tal 39

May to October 

24 hours a day


Rear of Mesnerhaus building
Im Tal 78

all year round

24 hours a day


(P/L) Hintersee-Seeklause,
Hinterseer Str. 104
(Mobile WC stand)

May to October
Possible change of stand at village festivals

24 hours a day


(P/L) Hintersee-Westufer
(WC-building), Am See 28

all year round

24 hours a day


(P/L) Hintersee,
Hirschbichlstraße 26
Rear of the building at the bus stop

all year round

from November 20th closed until December 14th, 2023

24 hours a day


Klausbachhaus in the open-air area
(P/L) Hirschbichlstr. 26

during opening hours of the Info-Centre

9:00am – 05:00pm
