Ramsau Culture


Culturally significant and multifaceted

Alpine melodies, lively waltzes, and concertante potpourris – the music repertoire in Ramsau is vast. Music has always been an essential part of the tradition and culture in the Bergsteigerdorf Ramsau, and today it is difficult to imagine village life without it.

The foundation of the Musikkapelle Ramsau was established in 1909 when a group of music enthusiasts gathered for weekly rehearsals in the local farmhouse parlors. The rehearsals took place alternately at the homes of the individual musicians and were led by Adolf Dufter, the music director from the nearby suburb of Marktschellenberg. Initially, the musical instruments were borrowed from existing bands, and they were allocated to the musicians based on their skill and suitability. A music rehearsal required careful planning in those days, as the music director had to first travel by train from Marktschellenberg to Berchtesgaden and then be transported to Ramsau by horse-drawn carriage.

Through dedication and passion, the band grew, and it now consists of around 40 active members. The typical Bavarian brass band is deeply rooted in the spirit, history, and tradition of the people of Ramsau. The main highlight of their performances, especially during the summer months, are the music concerts held in the mountain spa gardens (Kurgarten). Under the open sky, with an impressive mountain backdrop, the audience enjoys lively and diverse concerts.

However, it's not just the Musikkapelle Ramsau that enriches village life in Ramsau. Many other smaller music and vocal groups, such as clarinet music, traditional dance music, parlor music, trio singing, and many more contribute to the musical entertainment at various festivities.


Voss - Unterlandtal

Unterlandtal - Fewo Voss
Erholung in ruhiger Lage

Maltan Reschenberg

Haus am Reschenberg

Hattensperger Oslhof

Gästehaus Oslhof

Gschoßmann Steinberg

Ferien im Steinberg
Traum-Ferienwohnungen in zentraler Südlage

Tourist-Information Ramsau 
Im Tal 2 
83486 Ramsau b. Berchtesgaden
Tel.: +49 (0)8657 988920
Fax: +49 (0)8657 772
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.