5,8 km
Bus stop/line:
Auzinger / RVO Linie 845 oder 846
Hirschbichlstraße26, Ramsau
Time required:
Fußweg einfach ca. 45 Min.
+49 8657 9686-380
Romantic horse-drawn sleigh ride to the game feeding station
Route with the horse-drawn sleigh from the national park information point Klausbachhaus to the game feeding station and return (one-way also available).
Coordination, Information and Reservations:
Frankenkutscher Rudi
Phone: +49 (0177) 7230010
Very romantic is a horse-drawn sleigh ride through the wintery Klausbachtal to the game feeding station, which was created as a generous winter quarter for red deer living in the area. The animals can freely move around but are fed regularly to avoid bite damage on trees in the sensitive alpine forest regions. At feeding time (approx. 2pm) stags and deer can be observed from the elevated, barrier-free viewing platforms. Employees of the national park are often on site and happy to answer questions. The 1 ½ hour hike through the winter forest is also by foot an unforgettable experience.